“Pilot Courses in Practice Enterprise to Implement the UniversityEnterprise Cooperation for the Development of Caspian Area, PİCASP

MIRAS Public Association for the Study of Cultural Heritage

Pilot courses in Practice Enterprise to implement the UniversityEnterprise Cooperation for the development of Caspian Area PICASP

Interim Report Elvira Zhangozhayeva Aktau 18.11.2024

PICASP Pilot Courses in Practice Enterprise to implement the University-Enterprise Cooperation for the development of Caspian Area 617540-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Round Table on Management Issues (Warsaw, April 19, 2023)

Pilot courses in Practice Enterprise to implement the University-Enterprise Cooperation for the development od Caspian Area PICASP

MSc. Nina Petrichsheva

“Pilot Courses in Practice Enterprise to implement the University-Enterprise Cooperation for the development of Caspian Area”
“Practice-oriented teaching in Cultural studies” 21 November 2024 (Almaty, Kazakhstan)